Friday, January 15, 2016

Stitch fix: eight weeks postpartum

It has been a very, very, very long time since I posted about Stitch Fix. It's actually been a while since I got a fix, but not because I don't love the company (I do!), and not because I wasn't on the hunt for great clothes (I was!). Just. You know, life... Packing up and moving across country, a newborn, a toddler, husband getting a new job, renting for five months, buying a new (but pretty old) house, waiting for renovations, moving into the new house. All of that kept me just a little bit busy. 

So! I scheduled a fix to be delivered in early November, estimating that I would be about a month postpartum and starting to get used to my new normal. My new normal body, and my new normal of nursing a baby round the clock. Unfortunately, I never changed my shipping address, so my fix arrived in Glenside, only to be sent back to the company. Ugh. Mom brain fail!

Fortunately, Stitch Fix is awesome and they let me change my shipping address and reschedule my fix for no extra charge. But it meant I had to wait about a month and by that point I had already purchased and been given some new clothes for the fall/winter season that fit my post-baby body and worked for breastfeeding. 

BUT!! I really really really liked some of the items I got in my fix, so, though I didn't keep anything this time, I definitely plan to order another fix in the spring and I want to show some (terrible!!) photos of me wearing the items Stitch Fix sent. I highly recommend getting a fix, and I highly recommend using my referral link, which I'm posting here. If you try it out using my link, I get $25 credit, which I can use to schedule my own future fixes, or can put toward an item I want to buy. Win, win, really. (Direct link: 

Ugh, these photos! Please don't let the quality of my pictures dissuade you from trying the company. I was functioning on VERY little sleep, had just showered, my toddler was running around like a maniac, and I was holding my breath knowing that Asher would wake up wanting to nurse any second. Not the best circumstances for a photo shoot, right?! 

But anyway... Let's talk about the clothes. In my fix I got three shirts, a pair of jegginggs, and an awesome navy jacket. If I had the money, I would have kept the jacket in a second. It was my favorite item, by far. Alas, I bought a rain coat in August and couldn't justify spending money on another coat again in December, especially since it wasn't a winter coat. The jeans were really sturdy and a great color, but the elastic waistband reminded me of maternity jeans, which I was still wearing in early December but didn't really want to be wearing any longer. 😉 (I've since purchased a pair of skinny jeans from J Crew Factory and love them, FYI!)

All three tops were really nursing-friendly... Loose enough to be pulled up or moved aside whenever necessary. The gray one was my favorite, but I have lots of gray in my wardrobe and didn't really want to add anymore. The first top pictured had great texture and the back was interesting, but it was the exact color of a sweater I had just purchased. Bummer. I felt like the stylist really paid attention to my preferences and wishes on this fix. In addition to leaving a detailed note about recently having a baby and being in the midst of breastfeeding, I also gave a link to my "capsule wardrobe" board on Pinterest. There I have some ideas of styles I prefer, and specific clothing items I love. Stitch Fix suggests this as a way to help your stylis get an idea of how to pick things you will love. 

So what are you waiting for?! Sign up for your fix! Use my referral link! 
Ready, set, go (as Charlotte loves to say!!) 

Also- I really can't stress enough how incredibly easy it is to get a fix. Seriously easy. The best part, in my opinion, is how simple it is to return any items you don't keep. The fix includes a pre-paid mailing bag where you put anything you want to return. Stick the bag shut and drop it in a mailbox (or give it to your mail carrier, if that works for you.). You don't have to pay for return shipping and you don't have to go to the post office. I repeat- you don't have to go to the post office. So easy, people!! 

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