Monday, February 8, 2016

"I wish someone had told me": new blog series

As a new mom, I received a whole lotta advice--- some good, some bad, some just all around silly. :) Fortunately, I have some awesome friends and family who helped prepare me for parenthood and gave wanted and supportive input. In many ways, I felt equipped and ready for the challenges of growing, birthing, and raising babies.

But then there were things that left me completely dumbfounded. 

I would think, "Why didn't someone warn me?" Or "How come they didn't tell me about this?!" 

I bet it's safe to say some of you felt (or feel?!) the same... 

So, I'm starting a new blog series, with 3-5 posts in mind already. I've been in touch with some guest bloggers, who I think will really hit it out of the park with their topic choice and writing style. I hope you love their posts! 

If you are interested in writing a guest post, please get in touch. If there's a topic you don't want to write about, but would like to see covered in this series, leave a comment below. 

Coming soon: the first post, Lindsay's experience with twins!! 

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