Thursday, January 30, 2014

cloth diapering: the inspiration

As promised, here are a few posts that encouraged and inspired me in my cloth diapering journey thus far.

1. This was one of the first bloggers I follow who wrote about their cloth experience. Though I haven't chosen to use the same types, it was interesting to read about the process & how it changed as their family grew.

2. One of my absolute favorite bloggers, Melissa of Dear Baby, wrote two really great posts about cloth. One explains choosing a cloth diaper and the other lays out how it actually works for their family. SO helpful!

3. This family wrote regular updates on the whole process-- from choosing to cloth diaper to adding cloth wipes to the rotation to dealing with stink issues later on.

4. Even though it's not about the brands I'll use, this post was very clear and helpful in thinking through how to choose a cloth diaper system.

5. Another blogger wrote about their system with 2 little kiddos. I'm planning to use BumGenius brand, too, but won't have specific newborn sizes as she does.

I'm thinking our process will evolve as time goes by. I'm super excited to start this journey, but am trying to hold loosely to my ideas so I don't get bogged down in the next few months. Stay tuned!

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