Monday, November 3, 2014

What Charlotte eats, 3

One tricky thing I'm not sure how to navigate... Charlotte doesn't know how to use silverware and really doesn't like to try. Since we're not usually feeding her, she's not used to the feeling of a spoon or fork in her mouth and seems to recoil at the taste of silverware (especially metal!).  At what point should kids learn to use forks and spoons themselves? Is just watching us use silverware enough of a model?

Anyway, Charlotte has tried some fun foods lately:

Monday- Greek yogurt, apple slices, steamed baby carrots, eggs, lemon poppy seed pancakes
Tuesday- pieces of ham, provolone, banana, lettuce (which she didn't eat! ha!)
Wednesday-kiwi strips for breakfast, one slice of quesadilla + the fixings* for dinner
Thursday- black beans, provolone, broccoli, guacamole
Friday- cucumber, vanilla yogurt, Annie's Mac and cheese, tomato, broccoli
Saturday- cheddar cheese, stewed tomatoes, black beans,avocado, green pepper chunks, chicken (all the fixings from tortilla soup, which we ate in a bowl with broth and spoon, but Charlotte ate in chunks on her tray)

*Basically, I was being selfish with my quesadilla... I didn't want to share, so I just put dabs of all the fixings on Charlotte's tray and she went to town: shredded chicken, black beans, 2 small pieces of scallion, tomato slices, and guacamole. She is her momma's daughter-- loves her some guac!

And here she is using her little glass. SO cute!

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