Friday, March 13, 2015

photo dump

It's 2:17 pm and Charlotte is in her crib, rolling around loudly, alternating between a horrible screeching, whining, and talking to herself. She clearly doesn't want to nap, but is very clearly tired.

To distract myself from the noise, I'm looking at photos of her sweet face and thanking the good Lord for giving me the joy of growing this little girl.

For your viewing pleasure, some recent photos from around our house.

Notice a theme here? I've taken pictures of Charlotte in her box on wearing three different outfits, on three different days. We've had it sitting in our living room for almost two weeks. And she isn't tired of it yet. Ha!

Lately it seems like Charlotte is changing from one minute to the next. She is learning new skills, saying new words, exploring new worlds, and having so much fun. Fortunately, she's been sleeping well at night but we are pretty sure some teeth are on the horizon because she's had trouble going to bed and naps have been inconsistent.

Doesn't she look so darn grown up here?

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