Monday, June 8, 2015

Dear Charlotte, 15: we're moving

Little bean,

You are gloriously clueless about all the big changes to come. You have no idea that in a month we will no longer live in this town or be part of our church, or that so many people here will miss your sweet face like crazy. 

It breaks my heart that these loved ones who have invested in you so seriously for a long time will soon be thousands of miles away. I can't imagine finding new friends, a new neighborhood, a new church, that could ever fill the void of the ones we are leaving here. Countless people have brought us meals, given us (often free!) child care, invited us for play dates, emailed us to check in, etc. etc. etc. 

The Lord has blessed us abundantly with living here for this season of life and I am forever grateful for the way he helped our family get connected as we grew in Him. 

You were born in this community, baby, and I will always hold in my heart the beautiful memories of the day you joined our family. Taking three hot showers, pacing the upstairs hallway, packing up our bags, riding to the birth center... 

I will always remember bringing you home for the first time to this beautiful home, and the first time we put you in the crib in your room. I will remember you crawling up the steps, and learning to walk, and exploring our back yard in your bare feet. I will remember you watching buses from our front "porch" and pointing at the tiny rabbit who lives under the steps next door. 

Charlotte girl, you will know Washington as your home, and while I am grateful for the adventures ahead, I'm crying as I mourn the loss of our life here. This house, these people, this church, and this community were your home for 16 wonderful months, and I will never forget them. 

I love you, and am so grateful for your life,

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